I'm with Gran Turismo. 3 is my favorite, awesome graphics, awesome controls, awesome sounds. And I just lost my memory card with 55% completed. RAWR!!!!!!!
And I had Jet Moto2 for PS1 which was a great game as well. Jet Moto was definately bad ass at the time.
NFSU: Fun, but ehhhh...I mean, it's a good game, I just didn't really care for it.
Project Gotham Racing (1&2):
Both decent games, although they use a kudos which awards points for more slides, passes, two wheels, air time...etc. The only problem is, to advance and get better cars you have to get more kudos points. Trying to drift around every curve slows you down, and the computer will pass you. But if you drive correctly, 1st place doesn't award enough kudos points to get the Gold medal for the race. Regardless, I picked up the first one for 16 bucks, I play it quite a bit. AND you can rip cds to the xbox hd and use your own soundtrack in game. Which I have to say is an increasing plus for all xbox games that allow that. I get upset when I can't use my own soundtrack anymore.
Sega GT 2002 (XBOX)
Now, this game isn't the greatest, but its fun. The best part about it: You can pick it for around $6-7 at Gamestop. Why? Becuase back in the day all xboxs' came with Sega GT 2002 and Jet Set radio future. Well, when you trade games in you can get credits/cash whatever, a bunch of people decided to do that. So it drove the price from $20 (for the platinum hit) to $6 for the Sega GT 2002/Jet Set Radio Future. Two games for six bucks...Not bad if you ask me.
Ooh Ooh, before I forget, if you like motorcycles, get MotoGP3 (if for XBOX it has LIVE support, ps2 doesn't.) Great game.
You are what you love, not what loves you.