Originally posted by moonstrucksoul
the truth is out there. my belief is that a better world can exist, if there weren't people that craved these types of acts, even consentually, then it would cease to exist, if it was of the unified mind of the entire global conciousness that rape is awful. it wouldn't happen to people whose sexual dreams are not to be bound, beaten, sodomized and sometimes killed to hide the crime.
This is the same old lame card played on the "violence in the media makes violent kids" game, where it makes no sense- and makes even less sense here.
These are not children- overwhelmingly, these are educated, rational, and always consenting adults who engage in these fetish activities.
Secondly, this was an
ACCIDENT because of the stupidity of the person doing the act- not a crime resulting from the existence of the fetish in any way, shape, or form.
We don't blame road accidents because there are too many driving enthusiasts, do we?
Didn't think so.