Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
You can't just blame the left or unions for jobs leaving, although that's certainly a factor. A few other issues:
Unionization is definitely a factor, as you said, and Dems are all about unions. You can't blame Dems solely for jobs leaving the US, but TV commercials blaming Bush for the same thing is equally stupid.
Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
- High insurance rates due to the lack of a universal health plan for all americans, mostly blocked by the right.
High insurance rates are not due to a lack of universal health-care -- they are due to greed by "Big Pharms." A universal health-care system would not do anything to lower costs for citizens.
Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
- Extreme safety rules compared to other countries. Again, neither side really at fault.
How about trial lawyers, money-hungry personal injury lawyers? See where I'm going with this?
Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
- Extreme environmental rules. Probably more of a left responsiblity.
Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
I have mixed feelings on the jobs issue. On the one hand, jobs going to china really bother me. The public is oppressed, has little rights, and has terrible health care. Jobs going to India, on the other hand, doesn't bother me as much. The people have decent freedoms and people are working hard to catch up to the USA.
I think the only defendable position on sending jobs to China is that it would help to Americanize them. I'm not a fan of pumping money into China for any reason, though.
Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
I feel like some sort of "oppression tax" needs to be added to goods imported into the USA. Not a democracy? Tax. Don't have freedom of speech? Tax. Don't have basic civil rights. Tax.
Taxes can't solve everything. It is up to the US consumer to demand higher-quality products (i.e. products made in the US by skilled workers) but until then you can expect to see more cheap shoddy products made for $1 and sold for $80.