Hello all, my wife and I had our first child on April 7, 9:22pm! A healthy baby girl named Liley Ann, wt. 6lbs 8.5oz. We are breastfeeding her and everything seems to be going well. But I have some questions or hopefully pointers from you seasoned parents. First we have noticed that she only really feeds during the night, and very often, usually about 10-15minutes per session, and about 1-2 hrs apart. During the day, say 8am-11pm she needs to woken up to feed, and only really latchs for about 5 minute periods. The time of day that she is feeding is not a big deal, so far my wife and I are enjoying every minute with her and don't mind getting up to feed at night. But I was just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience with such irregular feeding. We have been keeping track of her feedings and in the last 24hrs she has feed 17 times varying in lenght from 5 to 20 minutes. She has been pooping and peeing often so it looks like she is getting enough milk.
thanks for any comments or ideas!
oh and we have taken her yesterday to a breastfeeding councellor and had the latch checked..etc nurse stated everything is cool, but still feel like a worrying dad.