Originally posted by tisonlyi
There's a strange nordic/eastern european thing of putting tobacco filled pouches up between you lip and your gum, giving you a speed-like rush so i'm told.
Umm.. I think you are talking about Snus, It is grilled tobacco and comes either loose like a grainiy moist powder or in pouches that you put under your (usualy) upper lip.
It does not give you any speedlike rush at all, it is still the same nicotine rush you get from smoking. Although in higher dosage than from inhaling tobbaco smoke. In essence it is still just tobbaco.
It tastes pretty odd and it takes some time getting used to, but once your'e in the addiction is stronger than from smoking.
There are many myths that the anti tobbacu movements here in Sweden have spread about it like, it is filled with shards of glass, there is arsenic added to it etc. but most of it is just FUD-tactics.
There has even been claims that it causes mouth cancer like chewing tobbaco but in the 20 or so years there have been reaserch on it not one single scrap of evidence supports that claim.
By Swedish doctors it is called the "better of two evils" as Snus doesn't affect your physical preformance like smoking does and there is no proof that it can cause cancer.
Though in my opinion, tobbaco in all its forms are a plague upon mankind and shoud be forbidden before any more kids becomes slaves under it.