I've watched a few recently - all on DVD.
Lost in Translation: 9/10
Once Upon a Time in Mexico: 7/10
Underworld 4/10
LiT was an EXCELLENT movie. But it's probably also one of those that someone would either love or hate based on the reactions I've seen from some.
Once Upon a Time in Mexico was great and a nice continuation from Desperado. It was quite rediculous at many points, but it goes into the "legend with embellishments" aspect of the story that it's portraying. All in all it was a fun movie to watch, but no deep message, beyond the importance of freedom.
Underworld was....meh. I mean, I guess the action was nice, but the plot inconsistancies were sickening and, while I've seen the love sotry part of it referred to as "underplayed," to me it seemed non-existent. The "love" came out of nowhere with absolutely no impetus other than the director or writer saying "shoot, I guess we need to make them in love now so that the movie works out the way we want it to." REALLY disappointing. Only good thing about it was the action and the fact it involved vampires which is an automatic plus. Too bad the vampires were weak as Hell and didn't really use very much vampire-ness at all.