It's running fine.
Did you install spamassassin (apt-get install spamassassin) - the tutorial fails to mention that part. And did you note that amavisd.conf is in /etc/amavisd ? (And did you note that you have to set spam-recipient to the spam account you made, not "spam-quarantine", the default?)
The default detection is very friendly to spam - it's set to 6.3, the tutorial suggests 8, I put it at 5, and it's still letting spam go through... On the other hand, it is sending *some* spam to the spam account, so it does work, just not good enough yet.
If you want to be sure it's working, try setting the trigger for spam headers from 3 to -999 --- it's almost at the end of amavisd.conf, where you'd set that kill-spam-level (6.3, 8 or 5 above). That way it'll always add spam tags, including the score. If emails have those tags, spamassassin works.
Last edited by Dragonlich; 04-10-2004 at 09:36 PM..