I've been playing GTA3 all this week in an attempt to beat it (all the missions) since I never really got around to it... and to add to my earlier post, this game is pure EVIL.
Games get frustrating at times, but I think this tops them all. I've never yelled at a game so much in my life like I have this week with this game.. definitely THE MOST difficult/frustrating game I've played in a while.
One mission in particular that I had me pissed beyond belief was the "Kingdom Come" mission you get from King Courtney. It's the one where you go to this secluded parking lot of sorts, and these 3 vans keep pumping out these suicide bomber guys, and the goal is to destroy the 3 vans. Even with full health/armor, ONE hit from them will waste you. To top it off, they run faster than you. Took me 2 hours to finally get it, and it was pretty much by accident.
...and the rampages are just nuts. Some of 'em are easy, like when they give you a bazooka and tell you to blow up 15 cars in 1 minute, 30 seconds. Others are just whacked out, such as killing 30 triads in (forget the time, but it's not much) with JUST an Uzi. That shit's damn near impossible.