Calling All Bartenders
If you aren't hungover...
Why in the hell did we ever think that bartending was a fun cool job to have? Did we think that we would get laid more? At what point in your bartending career did you realize that the job sucked and that you wanted out but realized all you knew about life was what happened from 10pm-4am?
I just started working at this bar in Denver called the Skylark Lounge. It's supposed to be world famous so If you've heard about it let me know. It's a rockabilly/country bar. In the jukebax we have everyone from Hank Williams Sr. to The Reverend Horton Heat to Louis Prima. It's the best box in town. I've been hanging out there for about four years now. And just ruined it by getting a job there. Has this happened to you? Gotten a job somewhere you hung out at then never wanted to hang out there again.
heavy is the head that wears the crown