Originally posted by skier
People that have a belief in God or even a continued existence after death can find purpose to their lives, owing to the fact that their accomplishments might be useful to them after they die. But a person that believes that death brings obliteration has a difficult time finding meaning to their life.
Ah, but the existence of god and Church means the existence of order, of an overall plan, that things happen for a reason, that someone is looking out for you, that evil will be punished and good deeds rewarded. The gaurantee of an afterlife is just one slice of the pie.
I am not an atheist, but I don't think God is an integral part of existence. I've come to accept unpredictability and believe that Man is flawed thanks mostly to poor impulse control. The invention of deity may be part of that flaw, especially when one version of Him tell His flock that the whole world is theirs to command, all animals and land theirs to do what they will. I have accepted the liklihood of oblivion after death and the liklihood that the Universe has no purpose but to exist. My goals are my own to set, and I try to enjoy my time while I have it, to learn, to teach, to watch, to act.