Originally posted by Strange Famous
My judgement is that the moderators close threads which are based on a political view they do not share.
Where does that come from? I have
never seen a thread locked down based soley on a political viewpoint. And if you stop for a moment and think about it , neither have you. Even amoungst the moderators there is a broad spectrum of political idealogies. Have you never seen sixate and myself square off? Think about it. Whose view, amoung the moderators, are you supposing carries the weight when the decision is made to close a thread? It is the
presentation, not the
content that forces our hand when locking a thread.
Originally posted by Strange Famous
In their opinion, being a communist or a pacifist just means flaming.
Strange Famous, although I personally like you, you're pushing it with that statement. Being a communist or a pacifist no more equals flaming that does being a neo-conservative. flaming equals flaming...no more, and no less. Once again, it's in the
presentation. No matter what your idealogy, if your views are put out in an antagonistic manner, it's gonna get knocked down.
Originally posted by Strange Famous
I think it is a shame, but you cannot have a real political discussion if only certain voices are permitted to speak.
There is a difference between a political discussion, and political discourse. At no time are "only certain voices are permitted to speak".
All are welcome, even encouraged, to voice an opinion on any topic...
provided that it is done so in a non hostile and respectful manner. In a large part, we succeed with that. Occasionally, however, passions get the better of us, and that's when the moderators have to step in to regain control. If it is deemed to be so out of control that it is unrecoverable, then it is locked down. Nothing more sinister than that.
These are the facts that I have laid before you, Strange Famous. You may choose to either agree or to disagree...that is up to you. If, however, you choose to disagree, then my challenge to you is to
prove my position as invalid with
fact and
evidence, not rhetoric or suppositions.