Moving is very stressful. First things first, get to Planned Parenthood as they will give you free birth control if you can't afford it. Better that then an unwanted pregnancy. Second, take time for yourself in this new environment. It sounds to me like you are relying a lot on your man for your happiness. That can be awfully stiffling even if he does understand. Get out and about: go for walks, make new friends, apply for jobs -- whatever you can do to not be so "needy." (If you even are, just making an assumption based on my many moves.) Third, you are home and he is working from the sounds of it. It may be that he is tired and needs down time while you are full of energy. Maybe use that energy to help him out (cook, clean, massage him, etc.) until you do find a job. Fourth, talk with him regarding your sexual needs and his. It may be just a lack of communication and he may be happy to meet your needs. Finally, as one of my sisters puts it, "your right hand can be your best friend."
If you can go deeply into lovemaking, the ego disappears. That is the beauty of lovemaking, that it is another source of a glimpse of god
It's not about being perfect; it's about developing some skill at managing imperfection.