Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Totally agreed but it's definately not a Trigger Happy game.
Exactly, Spliter Cell games are certainly not " a game where I dont have to worry about managing bullets and shit". (but, SC is not nearly is complicated as Rainbow 6)
I'd recommend Serious Sam for some mindless shooting.
Lots of monsters, no ammo management, and I think only cooperative mode (i.e. no deathmatch, only humans vs. monsters)
Other than that: the Quake series, or try something a little different: BattleField: 1942/Vietnam where you can shoot/fly/drive for strategic goals in multiplayer battles. (These 2 are also not very mindless, you have to manage your ammo somewhat, and there are higher objectives than Kill count)
I's say Serious Sam or UT2004, Far Cry (which is a little bit less mindless than UT2004, little more ammo management, stealth, etc.)