Originally posted by goof7ball
Did you read the whole thread? If you did and you still can't understand why I would get a little frustrated then I don't know what else to say.
Look, I know that I'm not going to win these people over- even in the best of worlds everyone has their own preferencecs. I did, however, hope that I could dispell many of the myths that I see repeated over and over. My rant about the ignorant people was out of sheer frustration that nobody is interested in the truth.
Of course I read the whole thread. I don't comment unless I do.
I understand the frustration, but the ideal way to win the "hearts and minds" of you audience isn't by insulting them, eh? The best that you can do is refute their objections with calm assurance and knowledgeable replies. Sometimes you may have to make your point more than once (I know, it's hard to believe, but some folks don't read the whole thread....)
All that being said, it's about perception. Some people have had a hard time with the product in the past and that skews their perception for the future. Not to mention that computer systems are as unique as fingerprints. Different types of components, all loaded with different drivers, all interacting with different software, and all on systems that have been modified and customized to the individual running the keyboard. You would be hard pressed to find one program that runs flawlessly on every system in the world.
There are some you will never convince; it would be folly to try. Otherwise, you claim to know your shit, start backing it up. Give 'em hard data, screenshots, links to information that supports the greatness that is RealPlayer.
Otherwise your just a guy with an opinion and everybody knows what they say about opinions and assholes....