Few favorite's of mine
Daytona USA (coin-op):
Man i wasted SO many quaters on that one. But it was sweet. The arcade I played it at, had it setup to allow more laps than usual. Stock was Beginner 8, Advanced 4, Expert 2. Here it was 20,10,4. If you could make the time gates it would last about 20 minutes. I guess I just liked timing the gears on the last two courses, then drifting(especially on expert) through the turns.That got better when you had someone trying to push for 1st neck and neck.......Man I owned that game LOL.
Viper Racing PC....
What's not to love. Racing vipers, and being able to add some mods. Then Paint it how you desired. Driving Physics were tough also. Cool views also, one you could have a suspension and tire/brake view, which allowed you to see the Suspension working, When you hit the brakes you would see the brakes glow redhot. Sounded damn nice also. Great courses also.
Sports Car GT:
I'm a fan of Lemans, and the American Lemans series. So this game was as close as I could get to it. There were so many/cars/ tracks/ sound mods. It kept me happy for a long time. It was a more realistic racing game. So you really had to learn the racing lines, if you wanted good times.
F1 2002-- GTR 2002 mod.
Obnixously Loud! I can only imagine what it would've sounded like cranked fullblast, with the bass cranked up. Not to sure the neihbors would've been to keen on that though. Also another realisitic racer.....Need to get this one installed again.
Il-2 Air Racing
Live Internet air racing.....With a very though crowd to beat......On one of the best WW2 flight Sims on the market
Last edited by Wulf_Hunter; 04-12-2004 at 04:02 PM..