Originally posted by Fremen
Maybe I'm looking at it a little simplistically, but if all this makeover stuff gets the girls to feel better about themselves then I'm all for it.
Even if they lose the pageant, they win.
Only if you buy into the fact that self esteem is rooted in appearance. I know many beautiful woman who have incredibly low self esteem. Furthermore, why should anyone feel a need to physically alter their body to meet the whims of society? Who is to say that these woman were not beautiful before the surgeries (and for that matter who decides that they are afterwards?)?
I got sucked into watching an episode of this show the other night and it saddened and disgusted me. It represents the increasingly popular belief that all woman should do *everything* possible to meet the unrealistic expectations of society (It appears that the ultimate goal is to have every adult woman in America look relatively the same).
It is very sad that these 2 woman felt so horrible about themselves but it is even more depressing that we have built a society that allows a media conglomerate to manipulate clinically depressed individuals into undergoing potentially life threatening surgery for the entertainment benefit of the populous.
I doubt very much that either of these woman will ultimately like themselves more or "win."