First of all, let me say that I personally cannot stand Howard Stern. The fact that Clear Channel has taken him off of the air only means that I won't accidentally trip over his show. However, I do NOT want the decision to remove his annoying ass from the air waves to come from any governmental agency or body. I want him removed only because his ratings suck, and no sponsers can be found to support his show. I do not need the government deciding what is best for me, or for my family. I am perfectly capable of doing that for myself.
As Prince pointed out; "Don't want to hear about "fuck" and "bitch"? Then put the 2pac away and stick to your Michael Bolton, and leave me with the right to CHOOSE." I a point. If you want to listen to vulgar lyrics, that is your choice, and I most certainly do respect and support that. The only problem that I have is when it washes over into my "Michael Bolton" world. (Couldn't you have picked a better example? sheesh.) When I'm out with my family, do I not have the right to not be subjected to a barrage of vulgarity from someone's "Boom Car"? Or from just a boombox, in general, for that matter? I believe that it is a matter of time and place. I see too much crap out there that is only put out for the sheer shock value. But, to be fair, perhaps it is with good cause. If the religious right would ease up on the controls a bit, then a balance could be found. But that's not going to happen so long as you have two polar extemes shouting accross a void at one another. When they should be looking for some common ground...somewhere in between.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony
"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus
It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.