I love the Tokyo Xtreme Racer series.
Don't feel like writing so heres copy and paste review by DaveSev.
TXR3 is a highway racing game. You start off with a small amount of credits and buy a weak car, race rivals to win money, and buy new cars or upgrade the one you've got. There are over 600 rivals in all. 200 miles of highway and all of it is modeled after real-life highway in Japan.
After you bought a car, you're placed on a highway with cars and other rivals. To race someone, you get behind a rival, and flash your highbeams. A countdown takes place, and you're off.
Unique to the TXR series is the Spirit Meter. You start with a full white bar at the top of the screen. The farther you get ahead of your opponent, the faster his bar decreases (and vie versa). Your bar is also depleted by hitting walls or other cars. The first one to have their bar fully depleted loses- generally, a race lasts anywhere from 40 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on how close it is.
Most of the rivals are in a gang (around 5-10 cars per gang, driving similar cars). Once you beat all the ordinary racers in a gang, you face the gang leader. Beat so many leaders and there is a city leader or three. And the game, for the most part, advances like that. There are also Wanderers, who belong to no gang, and require certain requirements to race (certain mods, time of day, etc). After you've beaten a certain amount of racers, cars and parts are unlocked.
Also the game is only $20.
"the key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering"