Best free web space provider?
I’m a member of an Italian American social club, and today a couple of the members approached me and asked for my help to put up a web page for their club. I think they chose me because a couple years ago I put up a small web page detailing information and photos of the hometown that most of the club members are from. After talking this over with the members right now they want to try and put something up at minimal cost.
So my first step is to decide which free web space provider should I go with? I prefer to do all my uploading via FTP so anything that is exclusively done via a web page interface will not be my first choice. I’m afraid that most free web servers don’t offer FTP access anymore in an effort to cut down on file sharing. Any suggestions? Or am I just stuck with the web space my ISP has given me if I want free FTP access.
And on a side note, if this free web page seems promising for them, they’d like to put up their own web page in their own domain. I’d like your opinions on who to register with, and who to use as the host.
Please keep in mind that although these club members think I’m some guy with mad skills, really I’m just more informed, but my experience has not been well applied.