Originally posted by JRG
Nice graphics but as others have said, what exactly is there to do? I personally dont think saving people/artifacts from bad guys is that fun. I like my mmorpg's to give me a sense of being in a whole new huge world, not some city full of thousands of other heros.
it's not as crowded as you might think. the game is mostly geared towards grouping and missions. i do like the interactivity they had added to some of the missions. one mission had a group of villians hunting YOU down.
another mission my hero got diseased at the end (he gained some negative debuffs, and a sickly looking flyy buzzing animation). I had to do another mission to rescue a doctor to get cured.
i had one mission where i was allowed to test out a pair of EMP guantlets (temporary electric blast power).
i like the way the missions are part of a storyline that your contacts (NPCs) guide you through...