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Old 04-08-2004, 03:48 PM   #1 (permalink)
Please touch this.
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Location: Manhattan
This whole censorship deal..

First, I wanna form this thread into a discussion... not about tolerance or equality, but about PROGRESSION. I'm willing to step out and say that while I am accepting of others and their viewpoints, I in no way consider many others who think differently to be logical and that is why I make statements along the lines of "advocates of censorship are FUCKED in the HEAD!"

You may reply, "Hal, considering others to be fucked in the head is not accepting of them." SURE it is! If my best friend can be gay, if my last girlfriend could be mormon, and if I go and hang out with a girl from the ghetto, then I think this shows the very possibility that I can be accepting of people who are fucked in the head one way or another, by anyone's standards.

Moving on, it's news that Clear Channel has now 'permanently' dropped Howard Stern from all of their channels. CC may not be the one to blame, as their hand was forced by a large fine threatened by the FCC. This goes to show that our FEDERAL government is forcing their religious morals upon us.

Many of you may not like Howard Stern. I personally find him boring because my life is filled with enough debauchery to satisfy the Marquis De Sade. However, Howard Stern is an important figure in my views when it comes to liberating this country's fucking deathgrip on the Freethinker's livelyhood. He may be needlessly vulgar at times, but it's his fucking right to be so. It's also everyone else's fucking right to listen to it too.

Knowing Stern, he's not gonna back down from this, and he's probably gonna cause a big stir, and I'm waiting for it - I really am.

Moving on, regarding a recent post where some DVD players are being made with self-censoring software. Yeah, it may be someone's right to watch a movie without all the sex and violence, but we're being progressive in this thread, so I'm not OK with it. It's the very mentality that sex is bad and immoral that is infecting this damn country.

Don't like my view?
So call it hypocritical. Call it self-serving. All I see is a population stuck on morals as if they were.. *gasp* divine law. I could go on about how that's all crap, but this rant would make you miss your next doctor's appointment. The reigning line of logic I see to combat these unbearable morals is simply... look east! Many millions of people in Europe live without such restrictions and they lead happy, healthy lives. Divine law is not crushing them to smithereens because they have billboards that display nipples, or even hardcore sex on daytime television. Get over your stupid fucking divine law and morals.

This is the 21st century! My mind and my body have caught up with the times. Have yours?
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