A person under the age of 18 can be charged with underage possession of alcohol, and tried as an adult. So they were mature enough to understand the consequences of their actions, but the nature of the charges is that they weren't mature/responsible enough to partake in those actions. So... the law can seriously be put aside as far as I'm concerned.
Now, if it were my boy/girl, I'd want to know A) Whether or not they're drinking alone, which the situation seems to indicate. Now, I'd be iffy about any drinking, but given the history of alcoholism in my family... he'd be at risk. If those are 40 beer bottles and 10 liquor bottles that he drank alone, ummm... it's time for a long chat. B) Why does he feel the need to hide it from me? I've got a lot of good and bad experiences under my belt that I'd let him in on the good advice and try to keep him open about whatever he's doing. C) At least he's not driving home drunk.
So... you know, you can't just kneejerk this one out. I'd probably take a few hours with my wife to figure out what's the next move. Probably not a lot in the way of punishment, just try to goad him into growing up some.