Originally posted by filtherton
[B] Hippies like nixon and johnson? Yes, that's right. I forgot that the hippies were responsible for planning major combat strategies and fighting a losing war against an underdog enemy. Sweet revisionism, thy taste is like honeydrops.
You're great at putting words in other people's mouths.
Hippies I said and hippies I meant.
It was the American public's lack of will as much as Johnson's unwillingness to commit to total war that caused us to lose in Viet Nam.
Calling it "revisionism" is BS, plain and simple.
I know the strategy. I don't know if it will work. I hate to be pessimistic, but i don't see how this situation could possibly be under control in 90 days when we're due to hand over power.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't.
The spanish government is pulling out of a war that most of its people didn't want to participate in. I hope you're aware that the only links iraq has to al qaeda were the ones that have sprouted up as a result of our invasion.
They haven't "sprung up" so much as there are foreign insurgents in Iraq fighting along side of what is left of Hussein's security forces. That of course and the barbarians that
want a civil war so they can step into the power vacuum.
Perhaps the people of spain want to concentrate on terrorism as opposed to sacrificing the lives of their countrymen and women for an american grudge-war. This would make sense when you take into account the fact that spain is not pulling out of afghanistan, just iraq.
We'll see if they stay in Afghanistan or not.
And you call it a grudge war, I call it a war we should have finished over 10 years ago, but better late than never.
Hussein is gone and good f***ing riddence.
To you this is appeasement? Fair enough, we're all entitled to interpret events with our own set of eyes. If you want a more accurate image of appeasement, see the u.s. alliance with uzbekistan. C'mon, how ironic is it for an american citizen to denounce another country for appeasement. We're the appeasingest appeasers in appeasington.
Believe it or not, I am not a puppet for the government and I agree that we shouldn't support every dictator that agrees with us.
Furthermore, you're in no position to judge the bahavior of the spanish. For one, you don't know if they will bow to these demands. They were already going to pull out of iraq. I'd be surprised if they pulled out of afghanistan, but that's just me.
No, I don't know, time will tell.
But I'm in as good a position to judge the Spanish as you are to judge Bush.
How many threats have they gotten due to their "appeasement"? I've only heard of this one. How many threats has the u.s. gotten with our philosophy of selective non iraq/afghani
Considering that this threat apparently came from the same people who carried out the bombings, it would seem to me that it is plenty.
So are you saying then that we should aim for the lowest number of threats?
Or better yet, we should be happy if terrorists
only kill a couple of hundred Americans instead of a couple of thousand?
No thanks.
You can hide in the flock with the rest, but I prefer to fight back.