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Old 04-07-2004, 09:41 PM   #1 (permalink)
Advertising trends... "edgy", or flatly unacceptable?

Evil Car.

So i guess the question here is... what do you all think of this?

I would like to get the general consensus on this type of advertisement.

Do you think they're pushing the envelope, just for shock value, or do you think it was (as I do) an honest attempt at being funny? Do you think they should burn in hell?

Please, share your thoughts.

I think it's hilarious.

It's a video- it's small, less than 1MB so it won't take long to get, even for the dial-ups, and i'm hosting it myself so we don't have to worry about it being shut off or anything.

Please, TFP'ers... send me your feelings.

Also, I really don't want to hear from anyone who didn't see it. I don't want to see a post that says, "someone told me about it and i didn't see it, but..." but nothing. Watch it and comment on it, or make room for the next person. That's like writing a review on a movie you never saw- just don't do it.

EDIT: In my haste to post this, I did not fully research the video's origins. Apparently, it is not playing anywhere, and is not endorsed by Ford at all. It was a "concept" that they say was never supposed to have been made, as they refused it.

Props to djtestudo for the link to snopes.

Last edited by analog; 04-07-2004 at 10:41 PM..
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