Actually, the intent was to make a living wage. The evidence points to the fact that the effect of the law hasn't been to create a living wage.
I understand Ustwo to be claiming that the intent wasn't to create a living wage. I merely gave the websites for someone to get the correct terminology. Anyone interested can run searches on the fair labor movements, I'm not going to waste my time since ustwo and others aren't going to change their minds about anything I post anyway.
Case in point, the actual legislation speaks to securing wages for skilled labor provisions. It makes exceptions for unskilled labor positions--what ustwo claims minimum wages are referring to.
That is, if minimum wages are securing sub-living wages for unskilled laborers, then it wouldn't include provisions to pay unskilled laborers less money than mininum wage.
Upon reading the provisions in the law, one realizes that it is referring to skilled labor positions, not entry workers. The entire legislation was geared toward securing fair and equitable wages for industry positions for middle-class workers--not transitory ones.
In short, my post was for people who actually care about researching the intent behind movements that led to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Mininum wage legislation came out of those movements, but no one can google it if they don't have the terminology. I couldn't care less what Ustwo thinks about the matter, he's already demonstrated to me that he doesn't give a shit about what I have to say about enough topics and I won't engage in arguing with him. For those who care, you now have the tools to plug into a search engine and determine for yourself whether ustwo's interpretation is correct or not.
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Last edited by smooth; 04-07-2004 at 09:30 PM..