Originally posted by goof7ball
[B] Get your facts straight. You've haters out there have your heads so far up your asses that your bullshit doesn't seem to bother you.
Have you read this entire thread? Has anyone? I'm disgusted with the level of intelligence from some people on here
nofnway, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I thought that this thread would be a good way for me to clear up many of the misconceptions about the RealPlayer that I've seen floating around TFP, but it seems that most of you are just content to be ignorant.
I'm no expert, but I don't think the ideal way to persuade the masses is to spew venomous insults at them. Again, I'm no expert.
I haven't made up my mind one way or the other. I've had my own "experiences" with RealPlayer, but maybe there's hope in the new one.
However, if lots of different people give the same excuses and examples of the pervasiveness and the horror that is RealPlayer then I'm likely to believe the masses over one man preaching the gospel about a company he works for.
Of course, then again my head is so far up my ass bullshit doesn't seem to bother me in my quest to be ignorant contentedly.