ok, let me clarify. I did some googling and I did find some references to state id cards being a sign of the apocalypse and a few upset extreme Christians, I even found a site stating that the Christian coalition is against state sponsored id. However, the issue did not make it to their 19 biggest issues list (
http://www.cc.org/issues.cfm) and searching on their website produced no official stance on the issue. anyway, i concede, I'm no expert on the views of the Christian right wing I was only stating how I felt about the issue given the fair amount of news that i read. If mainstream and fundamentalist Christian organizations are so against state sponsored ID and by extension the eroding of civil liberties that is being done by this administration why arn't they more vocal about it? and why do they only care about civil liberties as applied to Christians? why are they so willing to work to: ban homosexuals from caring for children, stop adults form looking at pornography, protect religious sites in Israel, allow prayer in schools, keep equal rights out of reach for homosexuals, and generally force their beliefs upon the populous (domestic and foriegn)? I can't say that just because many Christian organization view state sponsored ID as a sign of the appocalyse that they should be declared defenders of civil liberties. I still stand by my first statement that the desires of the right wing Christian establishment often run counter to the traditional ideals of the republican party.