Originally posted by filtherton
I'm confused when it comes to the work/school comparison. They are two very different things. Nobody gets fined for truancy if they don't go to work.
You're right! They get fired, can't get unemployment because it's demonstratably their fuckup, then they run out of money and declare bankruptcy, sometimes become homeless, and often go hungry. School is the place where we teach the children how to behave so that this does not happen to them when they no longer have the safety net of a school.
How exactly is a blue mohawk disruptive? How? What the hell is wrong with someone that they can't learn with a mohawk in the room? I want a real explanation, none of this "well, it just is" bullshit.
OK, for one thing, the kid behind him can't see the board anymore.
For another, when's the last time you passed by a guy with neon hair that you didn't look over at him? You really want YOUR kid busy looking at the idiot with the smurf hair when he's supposed to be learning how to read?
For yet another, it teaches the other children that if you want attention, the easiest way is to dress or groom yourself to look like a sideshow. Forget accomplishing something - that's hard. Just dye your hair and do your best imitation of a centurion's helmet and you'll get all the attention you want.
Plus, whether it's disruptive or not, it teaches the kid with the mohawk that it's OK to look like a freak, and if people don't accept you, that's their fault. That's total bullshit. It's just like the people who run around in gothic clothing leading each other around with leashes attached to studded collars around their necks, then wonder why they can't get a job anywhere but a used CD store. These people are idiots. If you want to be accepted in society, you have to conform to societal norms. If you don't care about being accepted, that's great, more power to you, but don't bitch when society doesn't give you a job.