Originally posted by Lebell
I will agree that if we let the hippy crowd run things now like we did in the 60's, then it will turn into a "quagmire".
But right now, there is a strategy that involves using the force necessary to answer attacks and proceeding with our plans even though those attacks are meant to derail them.
Or maybe we could appease everyone like Spain did and win that way. It certainly seems to have worked for them...
If you called say General Westmoreland or Richard Nixon a hippy, well, I'd like to see what happens.
And I'm not convinced that there
is a strategy, except for making sure we wash our hands of it before the election, so it can be touted as another successful battleground in the war on terror.
As for your last bullet, that link is dated yesterday. The new prime minister said several weeks ago that he would withdraw troops from Iraq. But how exactly is he appeasing the fundamentalists when he says he'll be increasing troop levels in Afghanistan?