This is the closest to the Great Depression for the U.S.
All of these companies are merging, and the funny thing is, all of them we have family members who work for them or we are using for services.
-We have AT&T wireless service. AT&T wireless folded and was bought out by Verizon.
-My mother-in-law works for Airborne Express, which was bought out by DHL. She is one of the lucky few who is not getting laid off.
-My husband worked for a construction co. who also folded and merged with another co. Many from the old co. have lost their jobs- although he switched co.'s just before the merge, he has not worked since Dec. and has decided not to go back, but to go to college instead.
-Bank of America was just bought out by another co. (I don't recall their name). We have our car loans through them.
What others have merged? Crazy, isn't it...........