Originally posted by redlemon
"The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
The advertisement conveniently leaves out the "whole truth". Context is everything, and lack of context turns the "facts" of this ad into lies. See the factcheck.org discussion above.
After reading that site, I haven’t really changed my opinion on the add. I can see how they used Kerry’s votes on gas taxes in a way which makes it look worse then it was in terms of numbers, but it is not a lie.
Also while they attack the use of the term ‘wacky’ on Kerry’s gas taxing, Kerry would NEVER EVER EVER go for a 10% decrease in the income tax across the board they cite, so I have no idea why they even mentioned it in their fact check. I think every Republican would happily support a .50 gas tax if it meant a 10%, fair to all, tax reduction. You know and I know the democrats would never allow that.
As for the 657 vrs 598, that’s just who’s numbers are correct. It’s a minor amount in my book and not as if it were 657 vrs 200 or something of that nature.
Finally the quote about higher gas taxes meaning less traffic, safe roads, and less global warming is laughable at best. Banning cars would do even more for it. It is a stupid point to bring up. It also smacks of socialist social engineering which is the last thing I want to see happen in the US.