no soup-
thank-you in advance, for this wonderful thread, and i do have a question.
my husband and i just recently, paid off all of our debt, he has been steadily paying for 2 years, through debt consolidation. we had credit cards, and a repo. we havn't missed or been late on a payment, on our new car, credit cards, or anything else for that matter. we went to see about getting a car loan, for him, because all he has wanted is a newer car (he drives a '78 firebird, i think it's time). and our credit was scores were 612, and 613, and we were turned down. how long does it usually take for your score to get better? my original score was horrible, so this is way up for me, but for him, even before consolidation, he never missed a payment. i am also curious, if consolidating hurt him, more than benefited. when we went to purchase my car, we were informed , that the consolidation, was worse than bankruptcy, or even my repo. we r also wanting to buy a house soon, will the situation above effect that as well?
How you turned my world, you precious thing
You starve and near exhaust me
Everything I've done, I've done for you
I move the stars for no one