Originally posted by crewsor
No, that was no dig at all. It's just that to me, those documents don't begin to prove we are stealing Iraqi oil. I'm just looking for more conclusive evidence. Thats all.
Like I said, if it's that obvious, that people on this board are convinced beyond any doubt, wouldn't some mainstream media have picked up on it and reported it?
First of all, media is corporate media--not left or right. It reports what sells.
Secondly, I already explained that what occurred is a natural capitalist venture. In short, there is nothing nefarious to report. In case you are curious, though, mainstream media did report that our government has and is busy privatizing Iraqi industries. I allowed you to make your own conclusions as to who can purchase the means of production when impoverished people are bidding against multi-billion dollar corporations.
Now, if you don't see anything wrong with that, I can understand. You might think that capitalism is a-ok and selling off a nation's resources to the highest bidder is fine. I don't. There is no claim that Bush and Cheney are "misappropriating" Iraqi resources other than what I've posted. That relies on your interpretation, but to me, you only appear obstinant when you claim that there is no evidence to support our contention because I laid it out pretty clearly in two very long posts--two posts filled with points neither you nor onetime addressed.
Have you made up your mind on this issue and merely baiting people for fun again?