Originally posted by Stompy
I was bored by the Exorcist the *entire* time. It's the most overrated horror movie of all time, IMO.
Honestly, I've never ever been scared by a movie, but as a huge fan of the horror genre, I'd have to say either the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre or the Night of the Living Dead trilogy.
Kinda OT here, but if you're like me and are experiencing a lack of truly terrifying entertainment and you NEED something to really scare the hell out of you, I suggest checking out the Survival Horror genre of video games. Games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc. The Silent Hill series has to be the most terrifying and disturbing of them all.
I've given up on finding the "scariest" movie, and instead get my creeps from playing Survival Horror games, and they do a damn good job of scaring the hell out of me. If you're up at 2 AM looking for something to do, you'll think, "Well, I could play Silent Hill," and a part of you will actually not want to play it because it's so terrifying.
Love the survival horror games. Love them. Walking down a dimly lit hallway only to have dogs jump through the window behind you. The 7.1 system is cranked and the lights are out! Yes.
OK, Night of the Living Dead and Texas Chainsaw? Man, those crack me up more than anything.