Was that a dig that my link to Judicial Watch wasn't reputable?
Those are actual documents released through FOIA.
The only thing to discuss about them is how you interpret them.
I interpret: that when you carve up a country like a puzzle and put oil company names on them 3 months after you take office, you are planning to specifically take the nations oil resources away from them.
I don't know what to make of ALL the documents, though we are on much more friendly terms with Saud and UAE. We really don't need to conquer them to get their oil. They pass it on pretty freely to western companies.
I think we need all of Cheney's energy documents to get the whole story.
"Nuts" like me see those claims gain credibility as the VP goes through all possible channels to make sure that doesn't happen. (Such as situations like the duck hunting trip)
Iraqi oil hasn't had a chance to establish flow yet. Every time we try the lines get blown up at some point. Miles and miles of oil line is a very vulnerable thing.