My wife and I have done videos and pictures, which is kind of surprising since she is usually pretty reserved. We have done the video thing just a couple of times and not for several years now. They are on 8 mm tapes which means most people can't watch them and are in an obsure place so I'm not too worried about others seeing them.
The pictures have been more recent. Being the reserved type, I think it was kind of a fantasy modeling thing for her. Whatever it was, the pictures are great and lead to some fun times after the photo shoots. There are certain precautions I take so no one else sees them (I don't leave the camera out if the pictures on on it, I download the pictures from the camera as soon as possible, I don't store the pictures on the hard drive, etc.).
If you use common sense I think you can eliminate a lot of the worry of someone else viewing videos or pictures. I know they were fun to make and I think they'll be interesting to look at many years down the road. If even we have done it, I'm surprised so many haven't.