Thread: The Peace Corps
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Old 04-06-2004, 06:41 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Location: in the backwoods
I had a very good friend that did it in a small asian country that's best known for having a big earthquake many years ago. When he talked about it, I thought, man, that's really great, the toughest job you'll ever love, helping poor people, etc... Until he came home for Christmas break after a year and a half and told me about it.
He learned to speak a dying language that's spoken by fewer people than live in a major U.S. city. His meager monthly stipend was enough to let him afford one of the largest apartments in town. He worked part time teaching English, and the rest of the time was spent playing his guitar and growing pot. When asked about helping the people, he talked about how one time he was working with some friends he had met who were putting hay into sacks. The hay was full of stickers and although it didn't seem to bother the calloused hands of the locals, he didn't like it, so he picked up a flat rock and used it to pack the hay in. The locals thought he had come up with a wonderful invention, and started using similar rocks. You can't make this up. He was formerly a devout Christian, but decided that he is basically an athiest now. (However, his morals are so ingrained into him that I joke that if he's going to Hell, he may as well earn it and have fun!) He's now waiting tables.
I wish you luck, but I hope you do it for the right reasons, and not just as part of a life postponement plan.
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