The most important thing is to have good technique. I see all the time guys want to be hard so put as much weight on as possible then dont even lift properly which will have 2 results: 1) the lifting wont work as well and 2) they end up hurting themselves. It is much better to lift a lower weight and do it properly than lift a heavy weight with bad technique. A personal trainer will show you how to lift properly.
The other thing is this myth that you must have a massive amount of protien in your diet to bulk up. Its full of shit. The normal person should ingest 1 gram of protien for each kg of body weight. For full on bodybuilders this can be a little higher but for average joe blow it is not necessecary. If you take in more protein than you need then you just pee it straight out. Its much more important to eat alot of carbs. That way you will have the energy to work out hard. Basically your diet should be:
60-70% carbs
30% fats and
1gm for every kg of body weight.
Follow that and make sure you have adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals and you will be OK in the diet compartment.