I guess it's been over 24 hours, so it looks like a stumper. It was Arkansas.
I do know that he was the drummer/lead singer.
The Last Waltz is a pretty cool video if you've never seen it.
He actually traded off lead vocals from song to song with Richard Manuel and Rick Danko. I think The Last Waltz was a great concert and have always enjoyed watching it, but I'd always been struck by how much the cameras focused most of their attention on Robbie Robertson, even though he didn't sing lead on anything, and stayed on him when other instruments/members should've been the focus for certain parts of certain songs. Apparently Levon's recent book about The Band talked about how much he hated The Last Waltz and how Scorsese made Robertson the focal point of the whole thing since he pretty much worshipped him. Apparently, Robertson's microphone wasn't even turned on the whole time, to avoid having his backing vocals mess up the sound.
New question is up in the air for anyone to ask.