Originally posted by KnifeMissle
Restarting your computer is not something you should always try. Restarting your computer will fix most of your problems but it should be a last resort. If rebooting doesn't help then you've got some serious problems!
Jesus, where not going to war with Iraq by restarting your computer. Whenever something on my computer is messed up, I restart. I'm sure there are thousands, of not millions, of other people who do the same thing. Why is restarting your computer such a big deal? Am I missing something? Is there some "restarting your computer" conspiracy that I'm not hearing about? Just restart it. See if it fixes it. If not, try something else

It's not like you are only permitted a small amount of restarts per day. It would be different if I was saying "format and reinstall Windows." But nope. Restarting your computer. As in turning it off and turning it on. What's the big deal?
I'm glad you were able to fix the problem. But just because restarting didn't fix it this time around doesn't mean restarting your computer in the future is a waste and should be a last resort. It's usually the first thing I try, and it usually fixes the problem