This thread hasn't taken off like I had hoped, but thought I'd throw some more thoughts out there:
Here's what I think- ANWR and offshore drilling will happen fairly soon, one way or the other, and they'll make some people lots of money, but they won't really matter all that much in the grand scheme of things, like was said by someone else above.
We should build more nuclear reactors, or, rather encourage companies to build them. There are many that might say "Not in My Back Yard" but I bet there are alot of rural communities that would jump at the economic opportunity. Sign my town up for a huge construction project and eventually a big chunk of highly skilled, educated and fairly well paid people working there. I hope and suspect that newer nuclear plants would be much safer than the one at three mile island. We should lower environmental standards and encourage use of Coal, of which the U.S. has a whole hell of a lot. We should, yes, throw money at programs like energy from agricultural waste and wind power through tax breaks and alterations of current farm subsidies. It's not really environmentally friendly, it's not really conservative, and there's just enough there to piss off everyone, but it's what I think we should do.
Are those proposals stupid? If not how can we find candidates with the balls to go with something like this that will piss off everyone, but just might be the most prudent thing?