Now, I'm trying to delete a file and I can't because
something has a lock on it but, of course,
WindowsXP&trade won't tell me what that something is. So, I am using
Process Explorer, by
Mark Rusinovich, to detemine what process has a lock on the file and it turns out to be (drum roll, please...)--
explorer, itself! Yes, the very program used to delete files has a lock on the file I want to delete!
What crap is this?
For all of you not
In the Know©,
explorer is the name of the process that is your windowing environment. So, when you place things on your desktop, or use your taskbar, or launch the default file browser (also commonly called
Explorer), that is all done with a single process called
explorer, probably found in your C:\WINDOWS directory. The program is formally called
Windows Explorer.
I have terminated
explorer and started it again (to ensure that no one has a lock on said file). Indeed, no one has a lock on the file. So, I go to delete it using
explorer and it takes it's sweet time before telling me that it can't because
it has a lock on the file! Just in case that wasn't annoying enough, it also decides to spin on the CPU, for no good reason (other than to annoy me, of course!).
The only remedy to all this was to kill
explorer (again!), delete the file using the
del program from the command shell, and then to restart
explorer. Now, things are finally okay with my system (for now...).
My question is,
What the Fuck!?© If
WindowsXP&trade isn't the buggiest piece of crap I have ever used since
Windows95/98&trade, I don't know what is!