I'm still proud of my relatively low fark# though.
mine could have been <1000 but I lurked for some time and have one around 50,000; which is probably low now.
A while back, a Farker did a photoshop that had like 900 or so votes ( a lot for a Fark photoshop competition). The theme was "Photoshop what happens to you when you graduate college." The Farker made a picture of a college graduate falling through the stages of life (literally, the image was like 18 inches long, you had to scroll to see all of it). Well, he won that competition by far.
that was a genius piece of work by Ash216(?? or something like that if memory serves)-edit: just came back to me - Ash2k- that I saved in my collection. Unfortunately I was a bit slow and grabbed it after he edited the image's 'first post' comment to the normal filtered 'boobies'
Last time I looked at the site it appeared to be a pathetic shell of its former self and not worth my $25 for totalfark anymore (which was dropped for me anyways at least 12-18 months back)