just one point to balderdash:
I don't agree with your assessment of the "pork" situation. But I attribute that to our definition of pork. I'll leave it at the notion that major economic dents are coming from social welfare programs. While they make sizeable expenditures, they pale in comparison to various corporate welfare expenditures--many of which people who believe like me call "pork."
If pork can be said to encompass corporate welfare, that is by far the largest expenditure of our government.
To the issue of seperation of powers, and etc.:
I agree with your assessment of the President's wielding of power. I would like to add, however, that neither Congress nor the President micromanage our affairs. Those are usually done by various government organizations. And these orgs are headed by presidential appointees. We only hear a few of them when scandals and changeovers occur, but people the president has direct power to put in place are the ones who most directly affect the people.
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann
"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman