Brianna - I believe you're not reading my original post right. <b>I support commonlaw marriages amongst homosexuals and bisexuals</b>, despite my own feelings on the matter. My arguments are why I don't believe in gay marriage as a holy union - not only that, but I have expressed my desire to see <b>churches</b>, and <b>not</b> the government, have the choice as to whether or not they believe in gay marriage as being a holy union.
tisonlyi - When I say homosexuals cannot have spiritual or physical union, this does not make me closed minded. Unless disagreeing with any "liberal" ideas people decide to spout off is considered "closed-minded" - if that's the case, than I am guilty as charged. Homosexuals CAN'T have complete physical union, it's not, at the most basic of roots, anatomically possible. Period. I apologize for grouping spiritual and physical union together, however - it is of my opinion that they can't have complete spiritual union, and that is definitely not fact.
Along similar lines, I'd like to address the usage of "Judge not, lest ye be judged" in these discussions. Take a look at the semantics of that sentence, people. It doesn't mean "Don't you dare judge people, because they don't judge you." It means "Unless you are willing to be judged by others, do not judge them yourself." I AM willing to be judged by others - I have nothing to hide. I'm not an amazing person, but I'm not quite a horrible one, either. In the same vein, I am not calling anyone bad. I don't believe homosexuals are "bad" people. If you had read my post carefully and not just spouted off a generic "You're wrong because you're judgmental and conservative" post, I think you'd know that NOWHERE in any of my posts have I claimed that I am better than anyone else, or that homosexuals/bisexuals/transsexuals are "bad" or anything of that like.
Please read my words more closely and choose yours more carefully before you just cast me off as another ignorant bigot. I'm not, and I will not stand for anyone implying or accusing me of that.
Doing my best not to end up like Kathleen Chang.