I've done acid, 2-CB, coke, speed, ecstasy (a LOT of), shrooms, canabis (weed, skunk, resin) and a few more I can't really remember.
My favourite was acid. What an experience. Did quite a few of those and had an incredible time. They made me use my brain like I never had before. Sort of stretches your mind and opens it to another way of thinking.
After maybe three years (between the age of 18 and 21) of very frequent ecstasy use I found my head was starting to fall apart and I was losing my confidence and getting paranoid. Now I rarely even smoke pot (apart from when I'm drunk).
I'll never do a class A drug again. Not because I don't believe in taking them (I've had too many amazing experiences to believe that), but because I don't think I could handle it anymore. My head was constantly dulled. Plus I'm settled with a very nice girl now who I doubt would appreciate it.