Maximum PC has an article about how to silence your PC in the April 2004 edition. Some of the suggestions:
1) Minimize your fans.
2) Underclock your Video Card
3) Slow down your hard drives
4) Soundproofing foam
5) Use filters on your Fans
6) Install water cooled CPU, Memory, HDD, and Vid Card
Basically, I already do #1 as I have a fan RPM controller. However, I only silence when not in use. Otherwise it sounds like a jet taking off. #2.. No thanks.. Why buy a 256 MB vid card but run in in the 128 range.. #3.. No thanks again. I am not sacrificing performance. #4. Ok, I will think about this. #5. Filters are nice, but the once a month replacement is bordering on high maintenance.. #6.. HELL NO! Fun factor of 10, but the expense is high just to silence a pc..
Take Off Eh!