Politics 101 and some dissertation
The Decison Makers..
I think it is funny how many people don't understand that the president might be the leader, but he/she is not the decision maker. That is Congress. They are the ones that make laws. The president has no more say than the other two branches of government under democracy. You wanna bitch about what the President is doing?? Bitch about Congress. They are the ones that have the say on what he does. Yes he President has the veto power. But it's like a catch 22. You veto every bill you don't like that Congress sends, and you will never have any influence on some bills you would like to see. Give and take...or the way The Constitution words it..Checks and Balances.
The uproar I hear of soft money in politics.
Senario.... you are running for president. I give you $500,000 to your war chest to help get you elected. Now you have been elected. Am I going to want a little something/break for my company/cause/state? Well yes I am.
Ok well now it's "If I can't take money to run for the nomination of my party/president, then how will I fund it? Only the super rich will be able to afford the campain!"
Take away soft money. Provide all travel expenses, ads, and supplies are for viable candidates.Who is going to pay for that??? Well the airlines will donate there businesses to them. The government has bailed them out enough, time to give back. Viable candiates? Who determines that? Well that would be simply if you won the run-off in your own state. Simple enough. So we got 50. Now you have your Dem/Rep Conventions. Just like always. Independents?? Well your super rich here.
Ok, let's get this straight right now. Bipartisian is here to stay. You wanna make a diference? Then start with your local government. They are the ones who afect your day to day lives the most anyway. Don't like something? Get involved. I am tired of hearing in the forum, "Well I think..." Stop thinking and doing! It's like a damn armchair politican convention in here at times.
Ok carrying on...
It would be so simple and yet complicated at the same time. Since there is nothing like this in place.
OK, now pork in bills.
Pork is "vital" at times for Congress. It's how they get certain projects done. Example being Robert C. Byrd of WV. He has done so much for the state of WV it's not funny. People there love him because he actually gets things done. And they are are named after him. The Robert C. Byrd MEPS Center come to mind.
Next, Communication.
Another thing with Congress is they "rarely" comminicate back with their consticuits. I mean we elected you, and you dissapear to DC!! They alreasy get free travel..use it to come back to the home state and tell us what's going on up there. Another example of this is Rick Boucher of VA. He holds a "town meeting" every quarter at a different location in his district. Send out mailings a month prior to inform people of it. Dem/Rep/Anbody is invited to attend. Open forum, Q/A time..you name it. Now it should be required that you have to go back and speak to your people twice a year. Two weekends out of your time. Not to much to ask, huh?
Just some of my thoughts as to all the misinformed and bandwagon talk I hear in here.