Thanks for all the nice feedback for Warren, he's actually 9 years old, but we wont be telling that to the site owners. He will always be a puppy in my mind.
Originally posted by bernadette
but sadly that website blows chunks... 
i had to reload the page 4 times before i could finally see your dog.
then i got to see a couple more pups, then no more would load...
i tried to register to upload a pic of mine & i got:
You don't have permission to access /boo.html on this server.
Apache/1.3.27 Server at Port 80
The site does have a lot of bugs in it (along with its sister site - I sent in the pics over a month before they finally got posted. But there are some damn cute dogs & cats on them if you can get through.
Originally posted by Averett
Beautiful dog Loop! (didn't you used to have a different name? )
Yep - good eye Averett. I used to go by djp, but felt that I needed to 'shake things up' to start re-participating in the forums.