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Old 04-05-2004, 03:06 AM   #34 (permalink)
Location: In the id
Re: CONTEST: Excuses to prevent my in-laws from moving in with us

Originally posted by warrrreagl
First, there is no prize for this contest, other than pride.

My wife and I are a responsible, respectable couple living childlessly (by choice) in our beautiful home. My wife's brother just informed us that he and his family (wife and newborn infant) will be moving in with us soon for an indefinite period of time while they "work on" some property they own.

My wife and I are clean, quiet, happy, and set in our ways. We have two poodles and two cats who have never shared the house with anyone else (except for brief visits by friends and family).

My brother-in-law and his wife are filthy people; not just messy, but absolutely disgustingly filthy. The baby is a good one, but we're still talking about an infant here. They also have five dogs and three cats (can you say HICKS?).

He didn't ask us if this was okay, he simply told us yesterday (which is his style); my wife nearly went comatose.

The problem for us is that we can't think of a good reason to prevent them from doing this other than we simply don't want them to. It would fuck up our lives beyond comprehension and we would hate every minute of it. They would think of my unemployed wife as the perfect live-in babysitter and dog-sitter. They would be a monstrous drain on our finances and they would never pay us back for anything (they never have, so why start now?).

But, my wife's family is like the Corleone's; FAMILY is everything, and you don't refuse a family member without a damned good reason.

So that's the contest: We need good reasons and we need them fast. Go.
Print ^^^ that out and send it to them.
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